Lion of Liberty Page 34
Fontaine, John
Fontaine, Martha Henry
Fontaine, Patrick Henry
Fowey (ship)
aid in Revolutionary War from
British declaration of war on
recognition of United States
treaties with United States
Franklin, Benjamin
Freedom of religion
Freeman’s Journal (newspaper)
Gage, Thomas
Galloway, Joseph
Gardoqui, Diego de
Gaspée (ship)
Gates, Horatio
General Court
George III,
Coercive Acts and
Olive Branch Petition and
slave trade and
Stamp Act and
Townshend Acts and
George Washington University
“Gettysburg Address” (Lincoln)
Montesqueiu on
Virginia plan of
Grayson, William
Great Flood of 1771,
Greene, Nathanael
Grenville, George
Hall, Lyman
Hamilton, Alexander
Hampden-Sydney Academy
Hampden-Sydney College
Hancock, John
Hanover County Courthouse
Hanover County (Virginia)
Harrison, Benjamin
Henry, Alexander
Henry, Anne (daughter)
Henry, Anne (sister)
Henry, Dorothea Dandridge
birth of children
as hostess
at Leatherwood
portrait of
Red Hill and
Henry, Dorothea (daughter)
Henry, Edward (son)
Henry, Edward (son, 2nd)
Henry, Elizabeth (Betsey)
Henry, Fayette
Henry, Jane Robertson
Henry, John (father)
Parsons’ Cause case and
Henry, John (son)
disappearance of
Henry, John (son, 2nd)
Henry, Martha. See also Fontaine, Martha Henry
Henry, Martha Catherina
Henry, Nathaniel
Henry, Nathaniel West
Henry, Patrick
address to Continental Congress
aid to Continental Army
arguments for perpetuation of Confederation
attempt to establish Christian religion in Virginia
attempt to replace Washington and
Baptists and
Bill of Rights and
birth of
birth of children/growth of family
British army attempt to capture
British Debts case and
call for constitutional amendments
canal-building projects and
as commander of Virginia revolutionary forces
committee of correspondence and
Constitutional Convention and
Corbin and
court presentation
death of
defense of farmers affected by flooding
defense of Williamsburg
as delegate to intercolonial congress
as delegate to Second Continental Congress
as delegate to Second Virginia Convention
diplomatic relations with France and Spain and
education of
in Electoral College
entertaining as governor
exhortation for Revolutionary War
family home
as farmer
as father
father of
Federalist attack on
flexing political power
freedom of religion and
frontier life and
before General Court
“Give me liberty, or give me death speech,”
as governor
as governor during Revolutionary War
in House of Burgesses
in House of Delegates/Assembly
intermarriage of whites and Indians and
Jay-Gardoqui agreement and
as land owner
land purchases/speculation
law examination
law practice
as leader of western block in House of Burgesses
on limitation of federal power
loan to John Shelton
Madison’s attempts to dislodge him
malaria and
marital advice
marriage (first, Sarah)
marriage (2nd, Dorothea)
mother of
as musician
natural rights and
need for money
objections to Constitution
offer of Senate seat
offers of political appointments
Parsons’ Cause case
portraits of
pre-Revolutionary War debt
Presbyterian church and
as prophet on federal abuse of power
Quebec Act and
ratification of Constitution and
Red Hill and
religiosity in later life
religious education
resignation as governor
resolutions on taxation
return of Tories and
reversal of political position during war
Roundabout home
separation of church and state and
Shelton tavern and
as slave-owner
on slavery
slave trade ban
Stamp Act debate
Stamp Act speech
state sovereignty and secession
as storekeeper
study of law
support for boycott in response to Coercive Acts
support for revolutionary war
suspicion of federal government power
threat of arrest
threat of secession over Mississippi River navigation rights
ties to West
trade relations with Spain and
Virginia’s new government and
war in West and
wealth of
Yazoo Land Company and
Henry, Patrick, Jr.
Henry, Patrick (Rev.)
Henry, Sarah
Henry, Sarah Shelton
death of
depression of
suicide attempt
Henry, Sarah Syme
Henry, William (brother)
Henry, William (son)
Henry, William Wirt
Henry County (Virginia)
Hook, John
House of Burgesses
dissolution of
Henry and
Stamp Act debate in
House of Delegates. See also Virginia Assembly
Howe, Richard
Howe, William
Hutchinson, Anne
Hutchinson, Thomas
Illinois County
Independent Gazetteer (newspaper)
Indians (native Americans)
intermarriage with whites
wars with
Intercolonial congresses
Iredell, James
Jacob, Giles
James River Company
Jay, John
Jay-Gardoqui agreement
Jefferson, Thomas
amendments to Constitution
British attempt to capture
committee of correspondence and
Declaration of Independence and
as governor
on Henry and call to revolution
on Henry’s increased power during wartime
on Henry’s opposition to national tax
on Henry’s Stamp Act speech
in House of Burgesses
investigation of performance as governor
as leader in Virginia’s House
Madison and
Maury and
meeting Patrick Henry
as minister in Paris
new capitol building and
as political mentor
portrait of
on Randolph’s betrayal of Henry
ratification of Constitution and
on Robinson’s malfeasance
as vice president
Jones, Willie
Jouett, Jack
call for amendments to Constitution
Kentucky Resolutions
land speculation in
navigation rights on Mississippi River and
nullification and
ratification of Constitution and
war with Shawnees
King, Rufus
Knox, Henry
Lafayette, Marquis de
farewell tour
Latrobe, Benjamin Henry
The Law of Nature and Nations (Pufendorf)
Lear, Tobias
Leatherwood plantation
Lee, Charles
Lee, Francis Lightfoot
Lee, Henry (Lighthorse Harry)
Federalist attack on Henry and
offer of Senate seat to Henry
Lee, Richard Henry
Coercive Acts and
committee of correspondence and
Constitutional Convention and
death of
as delegate to Continental Congress
as delegate to intercolonial congress
as delegate to Second Virginia Convention
on Henry’s return to governorship
as Henry supporter
on independence from Britain
land purchases
objections to Constitution
objection to proportionate voting
proposes American independence
on revising Confederation
as Senate candidate
Westmoreland Protests
Lee, William
Lee family
Legal training in colonies
L’Esprit des lois (The Spirit of Laws) (Montesquieu)
Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania (Dickinson)
Letters of the Federal Farmer to the Republican
Lexington, battle at
Liberty or Death motto
“Liberty or Death” speech
Liberty (ship)
Liberty Tree
The Life and Opinions of Tristam Shandy (Sterne)
Lincoln, Abraham
Lincoln, Benjamin
Locke, John
London (ship)
Long Island (New York), battle of
Long Island (Virginia)
Louisa County (Virginia)
Madison, James
Alien and Sedition Acts
Bill of Rights and
Constitutional Convention and
on Henry’s objections to ratification
as House candidate
Jefferson and
portrait of
ratification of Constitution and
response to Henry’s anti-Constitution arguments
as Senate candidate
Virginia Resolution
Magdalen (ship)
Maison Carée
Malaria, Henry and
The Manual Exercise
Marshall, John
Marshall, Thomas
boundary/commerce dispute with Virginia
preparation for war
Maryland Gazette (newspaper)
Maryland Journal (newspaper)
Mason, George
Constitutional Convention and
death of
declaration of rights
on Henry as hero of the Revolution
on Henry’s oratory
land purchases
objections to Constitution
on Patrick Henry
portrait of
resolutions on taxation
boycott of British goods
creation of first independent government in America
population of colony
in Revolutionary War
Shays’s Rebellion
Tea Party and aftermath
See also Boston
Massachusetts Centinel (newspaper)
Maury, James
Mercer, Hugh
Meredith, Jane Henry
Meredith, Samuel
Mifflin, Thomas
Mississippi River, navigation rights on
Monmouth Court House, battle near
Monroe, James
as House candidate
navigation rights on Mississippi River and
objections to Constitution
in Revolutionary War
as Senator
Morgan, Daniel
Morris, Gouverneur
“Mount Brilliant,”
Mount Vernon
Moustier, Comte de
Murray, John
Native Americans. See Indians (native Americans)
Natural rights
Navigation Acts
Nelson, Thomas
Nelson, William
The New Art of War
New Hampshire
New Hampshire Gazette (newspaper)
New Jersey
Revolutionary War in
Newport (Rhode Island)
New York
ratification of Constitution
Revolutionary War in
Nicholas, Robert Carter
Norfolk (Virginia)
North, (Lord) Frederick
North Carolina
declaration of independence from Britain
ratification and
Revolutionary War in
Northwest Ordinance of 1787,
Nymphe (ship)
Olive Branch Petition
Oliver, Andrew
Otis, James
Otto, Louis-Guillaume
Parker, John
Parsons’ Cause case
Patrick Henry: Life, Correspondence and Speeches (Henry)
Patrick Henry Foundation
Patrick Henry National Memorial
Pendleton, Edmund
ratification of Constitution and
Revolutionary War in
Pennsylvania Chronicle (newspaper)
Percy, Hugh
Pickering, Timothy
Piedmont region of North Carolina, rebellion in
Piedmont region of Virginia
Pinckney, Charles
Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth
Pinckney, Thomas
Pitcairn, John
Pleasant Grove
Pleasants, Robert
Poindexter, Edith C.
Polly (ship)
Potomac Company
Powder Horn (Williamsburg)
Powell, Leven
Preston, Thomas
Propaganda, patriot
Proportionate representation
Pufendorf, Samuel
Quebec Act
Quincy, Josiah
Raleigh Tavern
Randolph, Edmund
arguments against Henry
on Henry as young Burgess
invitation for Henry to attend Constitutional Convention
objections to Constitution
portrait of
pre-Revolutionary War debt
ratification of Constitution and
support for Union
Virginia plan of government and
Randolph, John
Randolph, Peyton
Rattlesnake flags
Red Hill sketch of
attempt to establish Christianity as Virginia’s
freedom of
separation of church and state
See also individual sects
“Repeal Day,”
Revere, Paul
Revolution, calls for
Revolutionary War
cessation of hostilities
early battles
in New Jersey
in New York
in North Carolina
in Pennsylvania
in the South
in South Carolina
in Virginia
in the West
Rhode Island
Richmond (Virginia), in Revolutionary War
The Rights of the British Colonies Asserted and Proved (Otis)
Roane, Spencer
Robertson, David
Robinson, John
Romney (ship)
Rush, Benjamin
Rutledge, Edmund
Rutledge, Edward
Rutledge, John
Scotchtown plantation
Secession threats
Alien and Sedition Acts and
of “middle confederacy,”
in New England
over Mississippi River navigation rights
in parts of Virginia, North Carolina and Kentucky
of South
Southern justification for
in West
Second Continental Congress
Second Virginia Convention
Sedition Act
Separation of church and state
Seven Islands plantation
Seven Years’ War
Shawnee Indians, war with
Shays, Daniel
Shays’s Rebellion
Shelby, Evan
Shelton, John
Shelton, Sarah
Shelton tavern
Shippen, William
Shippen, William, Jr.
A Short Narrative of the Horrid Massacre of Boston (Bowdoin)
Simpson, Colonel
British freeing during Revolution
federal government power to free
Henry’s views on
prohibition on owning
Slave trade, attempts to end
Sonnets and Other Poems
Sons of Liberty
South Carolina
Revolutionary War in
Spain, navigation rights on Mississippi River and
The Spirit of Laws (Montesquieu)
St. John’s Anglican Church
St. Paul’s Anglican church
Stamp Act (1765)
debate in House of Burgesses
popular opposition to
repeal of
Stamp Act speech
Stills, tax on
Stuart, Archibald
Suffolk Resolves
Sullivan, John
Surveying skills
Swift, Jonathan
Syme, John
Syme, John, Jr.
Syme, Sarah
Tabb, William L.
Tarleton, Banastre